Teaching the Bible for over 40 years.
I'm Dr. Paul Wilson and I've been teaching the Bible in all kinds of settings like colleges, churches and seminaries for over 57 years. Though I'm older now, it's still my passion to help people of all ages to know their Bible in a deeper way. My wife and I pray each day and ask God to "bless what's left" and this website is something I've envisioned for many years to do just that. We love providing helpful videos and blog articles to encourage and equip believers in Jesus to live a Word-Centered life for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.
A History of Teaching
This year is my fifty-seventh year in the ministry. God has been so remarkably faithful to me and my family over these decades in providing ministry assignments ranging from Christian broadcaster, offset printer, hospital chaplain, mission executive, pastor, international Bible instructor, and professor. It has been a wonderful journey filled with blessings, challenges, and successes. My ministry has been roughly divided between pastoring and teaching with about thirty years in each area. Now that I am retiring again, I am not ready to quit. So I’m calling this season of my ministry “Bless What’s Left.” None of us know the length of our days but the Lord does. He has taught us to “number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom,” Psalm 90: 12. I want that “heart of wisdom.”
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